Jul 16, 2024
(Updated on
May 30, 2024


Web and Collateral Design for a Tech Company

Brand Vision Marketing was the ideal partner for Tova's website redesign project, demonstrating their exceptional capabilities in branding and website design.

At Brand Vision, we pride ourselves on delivering unmatched web design services to our clients. For Tova, a mobile/web app for tipping, we improved their UX/UI and designed a website, ensuring a user-friendly digital experience.


Project Summary

For Tova, a mobile and web app for tipping, Brand Vision enhanced the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), and designed a new website to align with their updated digital presence. These improvements ensure a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience for their audience.

Brand Vision’s Impact

The impact we had on this project:

For Tova, a mobile and web app for tipping, Brand Vision enhanced the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), and designed a new website to align with their updated digital presence. These improvements ensure a more user-friendly and visually appealing experience for their audience.

At Brand Vision, we take great pride in delivering unparalleled services to our clients. For this specific project, our team placed a strong emphasis on crafting a visually striking and timeless platform. We recognized the project's significance to the client and ensured effective results by establishing clear goals and milestones throughout the project. Our determination was unwavering in creating a design that not only stands out among the competition but also effectively communicates the client's message and offerings.

Brand Vision collaborated with Tova to create QR Code card designs that met specific requirements and adhered to branding guidelines. The process involved thorough research, brainstorming creative concepts, and integrating visual design elements to reflect Tova's aesthetic. The designs were tailored for readability and aesthetics, with prominently placed, visually appealing QR codes. Iterations were refined based on Tova’s feedback, and final design files were prepared and delivered, meeting all printing specifications.

Improving Tova's user experience involved several key enhancements. Brand Vision streamlined the website's navigation, making it easier for users to access information. They implemented a responsive design to ensure consistent functionality across various devices. By analyzing user behaviours, they created intuitive user flows with strategically placed call-to-action buttons. Accessibility best practices were also followed to ensure the site was accessible to a wide range of users. Continuous user testing and feedback facilitated ongoing improvements. As a result, Tova's website now offers a user-friendly interface that enhances user engagement and exploration of their services.

Brand Vision undertook Tova's logo redesign, starting with brainstorming various design directions and elements. The team selected a typography style that reflected Tova's brand personality and developed a refreshed color palette to convey the brand's attributes effectively. Careful attention was given to letter spacing and kerning to achieve a harmonious composition.

Tova's logo design features a modern and clean aesthetic that embodies the brand's innovative and approachable nature. The primary element of the logo is a stylized "T" integrated seamlessly with the "ova" in the brand name, creating a cohesive and memorable visual identity. The bright blue background reinforces a sense of trust and reliability, while the white typography ensures clarity and readability.

The rounded, friendly font conveys warmth and accessibility, making the logo inviting and easy to recognize. The logo's design is versatile, effectively scaling down for mobile app icons while maintaining its distinctiveness and impact. This thoughtful and well-executed design aligns with Tova's brand values and enhances its digital presence.

Tova's chosen color palette features a harmonious blend of vibrant and neutral tones, reflecting the brand's modern and approachable identity. The primary color, a bright blue, evokes a sense of trust and reliability, essential qualities for a tipping app. Complementing this are gradients that blend lighter and darker shades of blue, adding depth and visual interest. The neutral tones, such as a deep navy and a soft gray, provide balance and sophistication, ensuring the design remains professional and grounded.

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