Jul 16, 2024
(Updated on
May 30, 2024

Midwest Digestive

Web Design & Development for Health and Wellness Industry

Brand Vision successfully created a modern, user-friendly website that improved accessibility and streamlined the patient experience for Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition.

A streamlined, user-friendly online booking system was developed to allow patients to schedule appointments effortlessly, reducing the need for phone calls.

Project Summary

Brand Vision undertook a comprehensive redesign of Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition's website, focusing on updated design and aesthetics, user-centric navigation, and accessibility improvements.

Brand Vision’s Impact

The impact we had on this project:

Brand Vision undertook a comprehensive redesign of Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition's website, focusing on updated design and aesthetics, user-centric navigation, and accessibility improvements.

At Brand Vision, we take great pride in delivering unparalleled services to our clients. For this specific project, our team placed a strong emphasis on crafting a visually striking and timeless platform. We recognized the project's significance to the client and ensured effective results by establishing clear goals and milestones throughout the project. Our determination was unwavering in creating a design that not only stands out among the competition but also effectively communicates the client's message and offerings.

Brand Vision approached the redesign of Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition's website with a comprehensive strategy, focusing on refreshing the color palette, updating typography, incorporating custom graphic elements, and prioritizing user-friendly navigation.

A tech-themed color scheme comprising shades of blueish-green, white, and lighter greens was chosen to impart a modern and clean look while evoking a sense of calm and trust, crucial for a medical institution. Custom-made graphics and images were seamlessly integrated to enhance visual appeal and aid in content clarity.

Typography was carefully updated to enhance readability and imbue the website with a contemporary feel, ensuring text was accessible to all users. The design prioritized user experience, with the homepage and navigation menu prominently featuring the institution’s services, accompanied by clear, concise information.

A streamlined, user-friendly online booking system was implemented to facilitate easy appointment scheduling, reducing reliance on phone calls. Accessibility was a key consideration, with the website designed to be easily navigable for users of all ages, incorporating large buttons, clear calls to action, and straightforward navigation paths to enhance usability.

The redesigned website for Midwest Digestive Health and Nutrition has led to notable improvements. There has been a marked increase in user engagement, as more patients are now utilizing the convenient online booking system.

This has resulted in a reduction in the administrative burden, with fewer phone calls needed for appointment bookings, enabling staff to allocate more time to patient care. Additionally, the website has received positive feedback from patients, who appreciate its ease of use and modern design. Moreover, the updated aesthetic aligns perfectly with the institution’s vision of delivering advanced and compassionate medical care, further enhancing its image and reputation.

What was client’s reaction

Midwest Digestive
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