April 23, 2024 ( Revised On July 16, 2024 )

Link Building in 2024: 20 Proven Ways to Succeed

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Link building remains a crucial strategy for enhancing website visibility and authority. In 2024, the emphasis has shifted from merely accumulating links to focusing on the quality and relevance of those links. This article explores 20 essential do’s in link building, providing insights into both effective strategies and common pitfalls.

What is Link Building?

Link building involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. A hyperlink (usually just called a link) is a way for users to navigate between pages on the internet. Search engines use these links to crawl the web; they will crawl the links between the individual pages on your website, and they will crawl the links between entire websites. When another website links to yours, it signals to search engines that your site has valuable content worth referencing, thereby improving your site’s visibility and ranking.

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Link building is a cornerstone of search engine optimization (SEO) that involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. Based on their complexity and the level of SEO expertise they call for, here we categorize the strategies listed, ranging from beginner to advanced. Here’s an overview of some key strategies from each category:

Beginner Strategies

  • Alumni Lists and directories: Leverage your alma mater’s network to get links from university websites.
  • Ask People You Know for Links: Tap into your personal and professional networks to secure relevant backlinks.
  • Blog Commenting: Engage with blogs within your niche to get on the radar of influencers and site owners.
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB): While links from BBB are nofollowed, they can still lend credibility to your business.

Intermediate Strategies

  • Create Shoulder Niche Content: Develop content that is tangentially related to your industry to attract a broader audience.
  • Contribute to Crowdsourced Posts: Participate in posts that aggregate insights from multiple experts.
  • Broken Link Building: Identify and replace broken links on other websites with links to your relevant content.
  • Infographics: Create compelling visual content that simplifies complex information, encouraging others to link to your work.

Advanced Strategies

  • Be First: Quickly cover breaking news or emerging trends before they become widely reported.
  • Create Something Controversial: Generate discussion and attract links by taking a stand on a contentious issue.
  • Research Papers: Conduct original research and publish your findings to attract citations from academic and professional sources.
  • The Skyscraper Technique: Find top-performing content in your niche, create something better, and then reach out to the same backlink sources.

Why is Link Building Crucial?

Link building is paramount for SEO because it is one of the major factors used by search engines to determine a website's ranking. More importantly, links are a signal to search engines that your website is a quality resource worthy of citation. Thus, sites with more backlinks tend to earn higher rankings.

There are primarily two types of backlinks:

  • Dofollow Backlinks: These links allow search engines to follow them and reach your website, giving you link juice and improving your ranking.
  • Nofollow Backlinks: These links do not allow search engine bots to follow your link. Although they don’t pass on link juice, they can help in generating traffic to your website and are not completely without value.

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White-hat link building involves strategies that comply with search engine guidelines, primarily focusing on creating quality content that naturally earns links. Unlike black-hat practices, which involve manipulative tactics to boost rankings, white-hat methods ensure long-term SEO success.

20 Wins: Effective Link Building Strategies

1. Creating Compelling and Link-Worthy Content

The cornerstone of a successful link-building strategy is compelling content. Develop valuable resources such as infographics, detailed case studies, and insightful surveys that naturally attract backlinks. Promote your content through various channels to maximize its reach and impact.

2. Guest Posting on Niche-Relevant Websites

Guest posting remains a powerful strategy. Focus on reputable, high-authority sites within your industry to share your expertise. Ensure your guest posts provide genuine value and secure dofollow links back to your site.

3. Harnessing the Power of Social Proof

Social media can significantly increase your content’s reach and attractiveness for backlinks. Engage actively on social platforms and encourage sharing to attract natural backlinks from various sources.

4. Picking Up Unlinked Mentions

Use tools to discover unlinked mentions of your brand or website. Reach out to the authors of these mentions and politely request the addition of a link to your site.

5. Focusing on Strategic Content Partnerships

Establish co-marketing partnerships with other authoritative blogs and websites. These collaborations can help extend your content’s reach, attract more backlinks, and build your site’s authority.

6. Leveraging Internal Link Building

Internal links are often overlooked but are crucial for helping search engines understand and rank your site. Strategically link related content across your site to enhance navigation and the user experience while also bolstering your SEO efforts.

7. Data Studies

Data-driven content, particularly proprietary data, attracts high-quality backlinks. Using survey platforms or government databases for unique insights and sharing these findings through well-crafted stories and visuals can significantly boost your site's authority. You can do this by identifying journalists who cover similar topics and then sending personalized emails emphasizing key findings and their relevance to their readership.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

8. Create Infographics

Infographics simplify complex data into digestible visuals, making them appealing for link building. Investing in high-quality graphic design can set your content apart and make it highly linkable. You can target blogs and websites that have shared similar infographics and emphasize how your infographic complements or adds value to their existing content.

9. Generate Interactive Content

Interactive tools like calculators or quizzes engage users and are excellent for securing backlinks. They should provide real value to users and be related to keywords with substantial search volume to ensure visibility. Highlight the unique features and user benefits of your interactive content. Offer to assist with custom posts or high-resolution graphics to facilitate sharing.

10. Broken Link Building

Identify broken links on relevant websites and suggest replacing them with your own content. This not only aids the site owner but also improves your link profile. Notify the site owner about the broken link. Offer your content as a valuable replacement.

11. Link Insertions

This strategy involves adding your link to existing content on other sites where it adds value and enhances the information presented. Explain how your link adds depth and value to their content. Suggest natural insertion points to maintain the flow of the article.

12. Target High Link Intent Keywords

Create content that answers commonly searched questions or provides key statistics. These tend to attract links because they offer citation-worthy information. Compare your content to other high-ranking posts and highlight its unique value. Suggest how it complements or enhances the journalist's current coverage.

13. Update Existing Backlinks

Sometimes referred to as "link reclamation," this tactic involves updating old links that point to your site, ensuring they link to the most relevant or updated content. Clearly identify the outdated link and suggest the new, more relevant link. Explain how the update benefits their readership.

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14. Find Unlinked Mentions

Search for mentions of your brand or content that aren't linked and request the site owner add a link. Thank the author for the mention and politely ask if they could include a link to your site.

15. Reclaim Lost Links

Monitor and reclaim any lost links, ensuring that your previously earned backlinks continue to benefit your SEO efforts. Inform the site owner of the lost link and request its reinstatement.

16. Highlight Brand News

Use significant updates or news from your brand to earn links through press releases and news articles. Distribute well-crafted press releases to industry news outlets, highlighting the newsworthiness of your announcement.

17. Pitch Reactive PR Content

React quickly to relevant industry news by providing expert comments or detailed analyses that can earn quick links from news sites. Offer timely and relevant expert insights to journalists covering breaking news in your industry.

18. Use Quote Request Platforms

Platforms like HARO provide opportunities to supply expert quotes for journalists, which can lead to high-quality backlinks.

19. Get Featured on Podcasts

Appearing as a guest on podcasts can lead to mentions and links from podcast websites, enhancing both visibility and SEO. Listen to the podcast to understand its content and audience. Propose relevant topics that you can discuss, providing value to the podcast's listeners.

20. Analyse

To maximize the benefits of the strategies listed above, it’s essential to track and measure the success of your link-building efforts. Implement tracking tools like Google Analytics and Ahrefs to monitor which strategies yield the highest-quality backlinks. Adjust your tactics based on these insights to focus on the most effective methods. Regularly update your strategy to adapt and maintain a competitive edge in acquiring valuable backlinks. 

Photo by 1981 Digital on Unsplash

Key Considerations

When implementing these strategies, it’s important to maintain ethical SEO practices:

  • Relevance: Aim for links from sites that are relevant to your industry or topic, as these carry more weight with search engines.
  • Quality over Quantity: Focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks rather than amassing a large number of poor-quality links.
  • Natural Link Building: Avoid schemes or manipulative tactics that could lead to penalties from search engines. Instead, strive for organic link growth that adds real value to users.

This extensive list of link-building tactics provided by Brand Vision gives a road map for increasing the visibility and authority of your website through morally and practically constructed backlinks. By carefully selecting and implementing strategies suited to your skill level and specific needs, you can significantly improve your website’s SEO performance and drive meaningful traffic.

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