December 28, 2023 ( Revised On July 16, 2024 )

The Only List Of SEO Tools You Need For Your Real Estate Websites

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Source: YLOPO

A robust online presence is paramount to success. With 90% of homebuyers and sellers initiating their search on the internet, real estate agents must operate visually captivating and highly-ranking websites. In this niche-featured article, optimal search engine optimization (SEO) tools will be explored, forming an effective strategy to elevate website performance on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO tools for real estate involve the systematic enhancement of websites to elevate their positions in SERPs. These tools help real estate agents match relevant keywords with user intent, making their websites align with popular search queries for local properties online. Here's an overview of the key categories of SEO tools:

1. Keyword Research Tools for Real Estate Agents:

Google Keyword Planner

As a complimentary SEO tool from Google, the Keyword Planner assists real estate agents in unearthing keyword ideas, gauging search volumes, and assessing competition levels. By providing valuable insights into popular real estate-related keywords, it aids in selecting the most fitting terms to target.


Semrush, a comprehensive SEO tool, offers real estate agents robust keyword research capabilities. It helps pinpoint profitable keywords, scrutinize competitors' strategies, and monitor the evolution of keyword rankings. With pricing plans starting at $129.95 a month, it's suitable for small and mid-sized local real estate agencies.


Ahrefs is another SEO tool with extended keyword research functionalities. Real estate agents leverage it to explore diverse keyword ideas, evaluate keyword difficulty, and unveil new opportunities for previously overlooked keywords. Starting at $199 a month, Ahrefs is a valuable asset for optimizing keyword strategies.

Expert Tip: Utilize these adept keyword research tools to discern specific keywords employed by potential clients. Armed with this knowledge, optimize website content strategically to attract more qualified leads.

2. On-Page Optimization and Technical SEO Tools:

Yoast SEO

For on-page optimization, Yoast SEO serves as an indispensable WordPress plugin. It provides real-time feedback and recommendations to enhance content readability, keyword utilization, and meta tags. With advanced AI features and 24/7 support, Yoast SEO Premium is affordable at about $120 a year.

Moz On-Page Grader

Tailored for in-depth analysis, Moz On-Page Grader scrutinizes webpages and furnishes detailed reports on their on-page optimization. This tool is crucial for assessing page effectiveness, identifying factors contributing to and hindering performance, and mastering page issue resolution. At $209 a month, it's suitable for local real estate agents who are serious about benefiting from keyword research and on-page optimization.

Screaming Frog

Functioning as a comprehensive website crawler, Screaming Frog aids in identifying technical issues that might impede on-page optimization. By generating detailed reports highlighting issues like broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta tags, this SEO tool is available for $199 a year.

Expert Tip: Strategic on-page optimization enhances website visibility in search engine results and delivers an improved user experience.

3. SEO Analytics Tools:

Google Analytics

As a free and comprehensive tool, Google Analytics provides in-depth insights into website performance. It provides valuable demographic and geographic data, aiding agents in understanding their target audience, exploring user behaviour, and tracking organic traffic and conversion rates.

Source: Optinsearch

Google Search Console

Another free tool, Google Search Console, assists real estate agents in monitoring and optimizing their website's presence in Google search results. It supplies information on keyword rankings, website errors, and indexing status.

Ahrefs & Semrush

Paid options like Ahrefs and Semrush provide extended analytics features. They help monitor keyword rankings, scrutinize competitors' websites, track changes in search engine visibility, discern real estate trends, assess the impact of SEO strategies, and make informed, data-driven decisions.

Expert Tip: Analysis of pivotal metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and engagement rates is crucial to pinpointing areas for enhancement.

4. Local SEO Tools:

Google My Business

As a free local real estate SEO tool, Google My Business empowers real estate agents to establish and manage their business listings on Google. Through profile optimization, agents can heighten their visibility in local search results, showcase listings, and engage with potential clients.

Moz Local

Moz Local is designed to aid real estate agents in overseeing their online presence across diverse directories and platforms. Priced at $20 per month, it ensures the accuracy and consistency of business information across the web.


A comprehensive real estate local SEO tool, BrightLocal encompasses features like local citation management, online review monitoring, and local rank tracking. With a cost-effective $39 per month, it helps real estate agents refine their online presence and augment their website's visibility in local search results.

Expert Tip: Precise targeting of specific geographic areas is of paramount value for real estate agents.

5. Backlink Analysis Tools:

Moz Link Explorer

This tool provides valuable insights into a website's backlink profile. Real estate agents utilize it to scrutinize the quality and quantity of their backlinks, pinpoint potential toxic links, and monitor their progress in link-building. Priced at $209 a month, it's suitable for local real estate agents serious about enhancing website authority.


Ahrefs, with comprehensive backlink analysis features, enables real estate agents to assess their backlink profiles, track competitors' backlinks, and unearth new link-building opportunities. Starting at $199 per month, it's a valuable asset for optimizing backlink strategies.


Semrush presents a backlink analysis feature to aid real estate agents in evaluating their backlink profiles and spotting opportunities for link-building. With detailed information on referring domains and anchor texts, it helps seek collaborations, identify outreach opportunities, and elevate website authority. We recommend the Guru pricing of $249.95 for the majority of small and mid-sized local real estate agencies.

Expert Tip: Developing high-quality backlinks is a fundamental component of effective SEO, elevating website authority and boosting search engine rankings.

6. SEO Reporting Tools:

Source: ArchiCGI

Google Data Studio

As a freely available SEO tool, Google Data Studio empowers real estate agents to craft interactive and customizable reports. Integrated with various data sources like Google Analytics and Google Search Console, it facilitates seamless tracking and visualization of essential metrics.


Semrush's reporting component enables real estate agents to generate professional-looking SEO reports covering a vast array of metrics, from keyword rankings to organic traffic and backlink profiles.


Moz includes a reporting feature that allows real estate agents to create detailed reports on their website's SEO performance. Customizable reports include metrics like domain authority, page authority, keyword rankings, and more.

Expert Tip: Tracking key metrics, generating comprehensive reports, and illustrating the impact of SEO endeavours are crucial for making informed, data-driven decisions.

The best SEO tools for real estate form an indispensable part of enhancing digital marketing performance. Whether you're a real estate venture or a local property agent, these tools enable you to expand your local outreach and engage more qualified leads to your website. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO tools. To reap the most benefits, develop and implement the best-fit promotional strategy for your real estate business. For personalized assistance, Promodo real estate digital marketing experts are ready to help. They can audit your on-page and off-page performance, advance content on your site, match your keywords with popular user searches for local properties, make your brand more visible on Google My Business and local listings, and help your site rank higher on SERPs. Elevate your real estate presence online today  with Brand Vision.

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